Joint Committee on Administrative Rules and Regulations #
Website #
Membership; committee documents; testimony; and meeting agenda and minutes available on website.
KLRD Website #
Membership; resources; meeting agenda and minutes; and meeting and annual reports available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(c) Except for rules and regulations revoked pursuant to K.S.A. 77-426(d), and amendments thereto, all proposed rules and regulations shall be reviewed by the joint committee on administrative rules and regulations during the public comment period required by K.S.A. 77-421, and amendments thereto. The committee may introduce such legislation as it deems necessary in performing its functions of reviewing administrative rules and regulations.
“(d) The committee shall issue a report to the legislature following each meeting making comments and recommendations and indicating concerns about any proposed rule and regulation. Such report shall be made available to each agency that had proposed rules and regulations reviewed at such meeting during the agency’s public comment period for such proposed rules and regulations required by K.S.A. 77-421, and amendments thereto. If having a final report completed by the public hearing required by K.S.A. 77-421, and amendments thereto, is impractical, a preliminary report shall be made available to the agency containing the committee’s comments. The preliminary report shall be incorporated into the final report and made available to each agency.
“(e) Except for rules and regulations revoked pursuant to K.S.A. 77-426(d), and amendments thereto, all rules and regulations filed each year in the office of secretary of state shall be subject to review by the joint committee. The committee may introduce such legislation as it deems necessary in performing its functions of reviewing administrative rules and regulations” (Kansas Statute 77-436).
Joint Committee on Child Welfare System Oversight #
Website #
Membership; committee documents; testimony; reports; and meeting agenda and minutes available on website.
KLRD Website #
Membership, reports, and meeting agenda and minutes available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“Review data on child maltreatment and demographic trends impacting the child welfare system; review the duties, responsibilities and contributions of the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF), the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS), the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), the Department of Corrections, law enforcement, and the judicial branch that comprise the child welfare system; and review programs, services, and benefits offered directly or through grants or contracts by DCF, KDADS, KDHE, and the judicial branch that impact children and families at risk of becoming involved or who are involved in the child welfare system” (Kansas Legislative Research Department).
Joint Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice Oversight #
Website #
Membership; committee documents; testimony; reports; sponsored bills; and meeting agenda and minutes available on website.
KLRD Website #
Membership, reports, and meeting agenda and minutes available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“KSA 2019 Supp. 46-2801 directs the Joint Committee to monitor inmate and juvenile offender populations and to review and study the programs, activities, plans, and operations of the Kansas Department of Corrections. In addition to its statutory duties, the Joint Committee was charged to study the following topics:
- “Mental health intervention policy, especially in western Kansas and rural areas;
- “Consider potential recommendations from the Sedgwick County Community Task Force investigation of the in-custody death of Cedric Lofton related to mental health issues and Stand Your Ground laws;
- “Criminal records expungement and associated costs and compare with other states;
- “Further examination of offender registry statutes;
- “Review of SB 367 Juvenile Justice Reform and consideration of the changes approved in 2022 HB 2200, as amended by the House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice;
- “Review the practice and policies regarding recording devices in juvenile correctional facilities;
- “Update on juvenile crisis intervention centers; and
- “Tour the Kansas Children’s Service League headquarters in Topeka and observe community corrections in the field and how it functions in Douglas County” (Kansas Legislative Research Department).
Joint Committee on Fiduciary Financial Institutions Oversight #
Website #
Membership, committee documents, testimony, bills, and reports available on website.
KLRD Website #
Membership and report available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“Pursuant to KSA 46-4001, the Committee is directed to monitor, review, and make recommendations regarding fiduciary financial institutions’ operations in the state of Kansas and the fiduciary financial institutions pilot program, and to receive a report from the Office of the State Bank Commissioner” (Dec. 2022 Report).
Joint Committee on Home and Community Based Services and KanCare Oversight #
Website / KLRD Website #
Membership; committee documents; testimony; reports; and meeting agenda and minutes available on websites.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“KSA 2022 Supp. 39-7,160 directs the Joint Committee to oversee long-term care services, including home and community based services (HCBS). The Joint Committee is to oversee the savings resulting from the transfer of individuals from state or private institutions to HCBS and to ensure that any proceeds resulting from the successful transfer be applied to the system for the provision of services for long-term care. Further, the Joint Committee is to oversee the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, and the state Medicaid program (KanCare), and monitor and study the implementation and operations of these programs including, but not limited to, access to and quality of services provided and any financial information and budgetary issues” (Jan. 2023 Report).
Joint Legislative Post Audit Committee #
Division of Post Audit Website / Website #
Membership; committee documents; testimony; and meeting schedule, minutes, and audio available on websites.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Legislative Post Audit Committee (LPAC) is a bipartisan joint committee of the Kansas Legislature. It includes a total of 10 members. The Senate President and the House Speaker each get to appoint three members, while the Senate and House minority leaders each appoint two members. The committee selects the topics for the division’s audits and directs the final distribution of those reports. The committee is also responsible for hiring and evaluating the head of the agency (the Legislative Post Auditor) and for reviewing and approving the division’s annual budget” (committee website).