“Review of administrative regulations by standing committees of the legislature.
“(a) A standing committee of the legislature may, consistent with the committee’s jurisdiction as provided in the uniform rules of the legislature, review a proposed or adopted regulation, amendment of a regulation, or repeal of a regulation” (Alaska Statutes, Article 4 Sec. 24.05.182).
“Issuance and form of subpoena.
- “(a) A subpoena requiring the attendance of a witness before either house of the legislature may be issued by the president or the speaker.
- “(b) A subpoena requiring the attendance of a witness before a standing or special committee of the legislature may be issued by the chairman of a committee when authorized to do so by a majority of the membership of the committee and with the concurrence of the president or the speaker, or with the concurrence of the house or the senate.
- “(c) A subpoena requiring the attendance of a witness before an interim committee established by either house of the legislature, or by both, may be issued by the chairman of a committee when authorized to do so by a majority of the membership of the committee and with the concurrence of the president or the speaker” (Alaska Statutes, Chapter 25 Sec. 24.25.010).