Committee on Education, Public Safety and the Arts #
Committees do not have individual websites. Membership can be found on Committees website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Committee on Education, Public Safety and the Arts, shall have purview over all matters pertaining to:
- (A) Education:
- (i) the Guam Academy Charter Schools Council and Guam Academy Charter Schools;
- (ii) the Guam Commission for Educator Certification Council;
- (iii) the Guam Department of Education, the Guam Education Board, home schooling, and matters relating to the same except for construction of a new Simon Sanchez High School;
- (iv) early learning programs and services that focus on preparing all children to enter school and successfully progress from grade to grade and in all subject areas; and
- (v) issues affecting education policy for students in prekindergarten through twelfth (12th) grade, in both public and private schools.
- (B) Public Safety:
- (i) the Guam Police Department;
- (ii) the Department of Corrections;
- (iii) the Territorial Park Patrol of the Department of Parks and Recreation; and
- (iv) the Conservation Division of the Department of Agriculture; and
- (v) the Peace Officer Standards & Training Act (POST).
- (C) the Arts:
- (i) Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities Agency (CAHA) and the Arts” (Standing Rules of the 37th Guam Legislature).
Committee on Emergency Response, Military and Veteran Affairs, Border Safety and Mayors Council #
Committees do not have individual websites. Membership can be found on Committees website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Committee on Emergency Response, Military and Veteran Affairs, and Border Safety shall have purview over all matters pertaining to:
- “(A) (i) the Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port, except the Port Authority Police of the Port Authority of Guam; Guam harbors and marinas, and marine navigation systems.
- “(B) Emergency Response
- “(i) Guam Homeland Security;
- “(ii) the Office of Civil Defense;
- “(iii) the Guam Recovery Office
- “(C) Military and Veteran Affairs:
- “(i) the Department of Military Affairs;
- “(ii) the U.S. Department of Defense and military matters affecting Guam;
- “(iii) the relations between military forces on Guam and the island community, including basing and home-porting of military units; and
- “(iv) the Department of Veterans Affairs and all veterans’ affairs, in general.
- “(D) Border Safety:
- “(i) all matters related to the Office of Civil Defense and Guam Homeland Security pertaining to border safety;
- “(ii) the Airport Police of the Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam;
- “(iii) the Port Authority Police of the Port Authority of Guam; and
- “(iv) Guam Customs and Quarantine Agency and customs laws, including 5 GCA Chapter 73.
- “(E) Mayors Council:
- “(i) municipal governance, including the Mayors Council of Guam” (Standing Rules of the 37th Guam Legislature).
Committee on Environment, Revenue and Taxation, Labor, Procurement, and Statistics, Research, and Planning #
Committees do not have individual websites. Membership can be found on Committees website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Committee on Environment, Revenue and Taxation, Labor, Procurement, and Statistics Research and Planning shall have purview over all matters pertaining to:
- “(A) Environment:
- “(i) the Guam Environmental Protection Agency, including the Recycling Revolving Fund; and
- “(ii) the protection of Guam’s natural environment, inclusive of air, land, and seas, and all matters relative to the safety of Guam’s natural drinking water resources;
- “(iii) the Guam Coastal Management Program and Coral Reef Initiative of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans;
- “(iv) water, wastewater, and solid waste services and the governance thereof, to include the Guam Waterworks Authority (GWA), the Guam Solid Waste Authority (GSWA), the Consolidated Commission on Utilities (CCU), and the Public Utilities Commission (PUC);
- “(v) renewable/alternative energy and energy conservation, to include the Guam Energy Office; and
- “(vi) financing, re-financing, issuance, or re-issuance of revenue bonds that will be serviced solely from the revenues generated by the Gua Waterworks Authority, and the Guam Solid Waste Authority, respectively; and not requiring the pledge of the full faith and credit of the government of Guam, the borrowing or line of credit of the government of Guam or any entity or instrumentality of the government of Guam.
- “(B) Revenue and Taxation:
- “(i) the Board of Equalization;
- “(ii) the Department of Revenue and Taxation;
- “(iii) the Guam Tax Commission;
- “(iv) general obligations, taxes, tax credits, taxation; and
- “(v) bond financing and re-financing; the issuance or re-issuance of bonds, except for revenue bonds not requiring the pledge of the full faith and credit of the government of Guam; the Guam Board of Equalization as it relates to the valuation of land for the public debt limit; and matters pertaining to the pledge of the faith and credit of the government of Guam for any government bonds, borrowing or line of credit of the government of Guam or any entity or instrumentality of the government of Guam;
- “(vi) the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, Banking and Insurance Board, Board of Equalization, Cockpit License Board, Real Estate Commission, Guam Passport Office
- “(C) Labor:
- “(i) the Guam Department of Labor, including the Manpower Development Fund.
- “(D) Procurement:
- “(i) the General Services Agency of the Department of Administration;
- “(ii) the procurement statutes, rules and regulations, policies and practices of the government of Guam, including proposals for procurement reform; and
- “(iii) public-private partnerships, including the policies and contractual arrangements governing these partnerships.
- “(E) Statistics, Research, and Planning:
- “(i) the Bureau of Statistics and Plans” (Standing Rules of the 37th Guam Legislature).
Committee on Fire, Agriculture, Power and Energy Utilities, Public Transit, Unemployment Insurance, and Universal Health Insurance #
Committees do not have individual websites. Membership can be found on Committees website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Committee on Fire, Agriculture, Power and Energy Utilities, Public Transit, Unemployment Insurance and Universal Health Insurance shall have purview over all matters pertaining to:
- “(A) The Guam Fire Department
- “(B) Agriculture
- “(i) the Department of Agriculture;
- “(ii) the Cannabis Control Board (CC B), the Medical Cannabis Regulation Commission (MCRC); and
- “(iii) the regulation of activities involving hemp and cannabis industries relative to cultivation, production, manufacture and commercial sales of medical and adult recreational use cannabis and all cannabis derived products.
- “(C) Power and Energy Utilities
- “(i) the Guam Power Authority (GPA);
- “(ii) the Consolidated Commission on Utilities (CCU);
- “(iii) the Public Utilities Commission (PUC);
- “(iv) renewable/alternative energy and energy conservation; and
- “(v) financing, re-financing, issuance, or re-issuance of revenue bonds that will be serviced solely from the revenues generated by the Guam Power Authority and not requiring the pledge of the full faith and credit of the government of Guam, the borrowing of a line of credit of the government of Guam or any entity or instrumentality of the government of Guam.
- “(D) Public Transit
- “(i) the Guam Regional Transit Authority;
- “(ii) all activities pertaining to mass transportation.
- “(E) Unemployment Insurance
- “(F) Universal Health Insurance” (Standing Rules of the 37th Guam Legislature).
Committee on Health, Land, Justice, and Culture #
Committees do not have individual websites. Membership can be found on Committees website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Committee on Health, Land, Justice, and Culture, shall have purview over all matters pertaining to:
- “(A) Health:
- “(i) the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority, inclusive of all special funds related to the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority;
- “(ii) the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner;
- “(iii) the Department of Public Health and Social Services;
- “(iv) the Guam Behavioral Health & Wellness Center;
- “(v) social welfare and social services, and health planning; and all other patient care services;
- “(vi) Child Protective Services and the welfare of foster children;
- “(vii) all other aspects of the provisions of health care services on Guam;
- “(viii) all health maintenance organizations and other entities offering pre-paid health plans doing business on Guam;
- “(ix) all aspects of health insurance transactions that are regulated by the Insurance Commissioner, except the procurement of health insurance for the Government of Guam;
- “(x) the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act (PPACA) on Guam;
- “(xi) Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID)
- “(B) Land:
- “(i) the Ancestral Lands Commission, the Chamorro Land Trust Commission, the Department of Land Management, and the Guam Land Use Commission;
- “(ii) land or land use, except all matters relating to the Capitol District; and
- “(iii) zone changes, and all proposed government of Guam land sales, leases, exchanges, and land use permits; and registration of land.
- “(C) Justice:
- “(i) the Office of the Attorney General or its successors;
- “(ii) the Public Defender Service Corporation;
- “(iii) the practice of law on Guam, and the admission to practice;
- “(iv) all proposed laws and statutes of a penal nature;
- “(v) consumer rights and consumer affairs;
- “(vi) all matters relating to the judicial branch, to include the courts, judges, justices, and the Judicial Building Fund; and
- “(vii) all matters relating to statutory reform and the recodification of Guam laws and the establishment of new codes therein, and the Compiler of Laws;
- “(viii) all matters relating to the Civil Code; the Criminal Procedure Code; the Probate and Estates Code; and the Criminal and Correctional Codes, and the Code of Judicial and Civil Procedure.
- “(D) Culture:
- “(i) cultural heritage and the CHamoru language;
- “(ii) the Department of Chamorro Affairs, Kumision I Fino’ CHamoru yan I Fina’nå’guen I Historia yan I Lin’a’la’ I Taotao Tåno’ (Commission on Chamorro Language and the Teaching of the History and Culture of the Indigenous People of Guam), and the Guam Museum;
- “(iii) CHamoru studies, CHamoru immersion schools, and cultural exchange programs including the Festival of the Pacific Arts (FESTPAC); and
- “(iv) the jurisdiction, powers and authority of the Guam Trademark Commission and such authorities as are granted under statute, resolution, or executive order to the former Committee on Cultural Affairs for which this Committee is successor; and the Chamorro Village” (Standing Rules of the 37th Guam Legislature).
Committee on Human Resources, Hagåtña Revitalization, Regional Affairs, Public Libraries, Telecommunications, Technology and Federal and Foreign Affairs #
Committees do not have individual websites. Membership can be found on Committees website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Committee on Human Resources, Hagåtña Revitalization, Regional Affairs, Public Libraries, Telecommunications, Technology and
Federal and Foreign Affairs shall have purview over all matters pertaining to:
- “(A) Human Resources:
- “(i) the Government of Guam Retirement Fund;
- “(ii) the procurement of health insurance for the government of Guam;
- “(iii) the Guam Medical Referral Office;
- “(iv) the Human Resources Division of the Department of Administration; and
- “(v) human resources development and management policies.
- “(B) Hagåtña Revitalization:
- “(i) the historic preservation, restoration, and redevelopment of Hagåtña;
- “(ii) the Hagåtña Restoration and Redevelopment Authority; and
- “(iii) the Capitol District.
- “(C) Regional Affairs:
- “(i) all matters pertaining to the relations between Guam and the Micronesian Area States, inclusive of the Association of Pacific Island Legislatures, to which the Committee Chair shall serve as an appointee to the Board from I Liheslaturan Guåhan;
- “(ii) all matters relating to Micronesia regional initiatives;
- “(iii) all matters relating to the Compacts of Free Association between Micronesian nations and the United States;
- “(iv) all matters pertaining to relations between Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas; and
- “(v) all matters pertaining to community relations with local community members who identify themselves as from the Micronesian Area States or the CNMI.
- “(D) Public Libraries:
- “(i) all matters pertaining to the Guam Public Library System.
- “(E) Telecommunications:
- “(i) all matters pertaining to telecommunications; and
- “(ii) public broadcasting, the Guam Educational
- “Telecommunications Corporation (KGTF) Board of Directors, and the Guam Educational Telecommunications Corporation, PBS Guam.
- “(F) Technology:
- “(i) The Office of Technology of the Department of Administration; and
- “(ii) the use of technology within the government of Guam.
- “(G) Federal and Foreign Affairs:
- “(i) the jurisdiction, powers and authority of the Guam First Commission;
- “(ii) the federal-territorial relationship between Guam and the United States of America;
- “(iii) all United States laws, regulations, treaties, compacts and agreements affecting Guam;
- “(iv) federal lands and federal immigration laws, including visas, and all matters pertaining to Guam’s interaction with any agency, branch or instrumentality of the federal government, except for the U.S. Department of Defense;
- “(iv) the Organic Act and any changes or amendments to the Act;
- “(v) the consideration of a Guam Constitution, including the convening of a constitutional convention or the proposal, drafting, adopting, and implementing of a constitution;
- “(vi) relations between Guam and the fifty (50) states and U.S. territories, individually or through organizations, including the Western Legislative Conference (WLC);
- “(vii) relations between Guam and the Micronesian area states individually or through organizations, except the Association of Pacific Island Legislatures (APIL); and
- “(viii) relations between Guam and foreign governments” (Standing Rules of the 37th Guam Legislature).
Committee on Infrastructure, Economic Development, Simon Sanchez High School, Disability Services, Self-Determination and Historic Preservation, Housing, Public Accountability and the Guam Buildup #
Committees do not have individual websites. Membership can be found on Committees website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“Committee on Infrastructure, Economic Development, Simon Sanchez High School, Disability Services, Self-Determination and Historic Preservation, Housing, Public Accountability and the Guam Buildup shall have purview over all matters pertaining to:
- “(A) Infrastructure
- “(i) the Department of Public Works;
- “(ii) Guam’s highways, bridges, and village streets infrastructure, other public works, and matters pertaining to; and
- “(iii) regulation of building construction to ensure the safety of buildings and structures in the community, to include matters pertaining to the Guam Contractors’ Licensing Board (GCLB), the Guam Building Code Council (GBCC), and the Professional Engineers, Architects, and Land Surveyors (PEALS) Board.
- “(B) Economic Development:
- “(i) the Guam Economic Development Authority (GEDA); and
- “(ii) Guam products, including the Guam Product Seal.
- “(C) Simon Sanchez High School (SSHS)
- “(D) Self-Determination:
- “(i) Self-determination, political status, the United Nations, and decolonization;
- “(ii) the Commission on Decolonization, and such authorities as are granted under statute
- “(E) Historic Preservation:
- “(i) historic and cultural sites,
- “(ii) historic preservation, the National Historic Preservation Act process and implementation of programmatic agreements,
- “(iii) The Guam Historic Resources Division, to include the Guam Historic Preservation Office, of the Department of Parks and Recreation, and
- “(iv) the Guam Preservation Trust.
- “(F) Housing:
- “(i) the Guam Housing Corporation;
- “(ii) the Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority;
- “(iii) the Affordable Housing Coordinating Council; and
- “(iv) and housing and urban renewal in general;
- “(G) Public Accountability:
- “(i) the Office of Public Accountability.
- “(H) Guam Buildup:
- “(i) the coordination and monitoring of the response of the government of Guam, including departments, agencies and autonomous instrumentalities, to the military relocation activities;
- “(ii) ensuring appropriate government laws and regulations are in place to protect the interests of the government of Guam and the civilian community with respect to the military relocation, including the coordination with other standing committees in the development of such laws and regulations;
- “(iii) oversight of any and all the executive branch offices with purview over military relocation matters, including established task forces or organizations; and
- “(iv) military relocation matters relating to the Guam First Commission” (Standing Rules of the 37th Guam Legislature).
Committee on Maritime Transportation, Air Transportation, Parks, Tourism, Higher Education, and the Advancement of Women, Youth, and Senior Citizens #
Committees do not have individual websites. Membership can be found on Committees website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Committee on Air Transportation, Parks, Tourism, Higher Education and the Advancement of Women, Youth, and Senior Citizens shall have purview over all matters pertaining to:
- (A) Maritime Transportation
- (B) Air Transportation:
- (i) the Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport Terminal and Authority, except the Guam Airport Authority Police; and
- (ii) all aviation activities.
- (C) Parks:
- (i) public parks and recreational facilities, the utilization of the structures and grounds of the Governor Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor’s Complex, federal parks and monuments, and public cemeteries; and
- (ii) the Department of Parks and Recreation, except the Guam Historic Resources Division and the Territorial Park Patrol.
- (D) Tourism:
- (i) tourism and the Guam Visitors Bureau, including the Tourist Attraction Fund, the Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT), and HOT Bonds;
- (ii) financing, refinancing, issuance, or re-issuance of revenue bonds or borrowing that will be serviced solely from the revenues generated by Hotel Occupancy Tax or the Tourist Attraction Fund;
- (iii) the Tourism Education Council; and
- (iv) Guam zoos, botanical gardens, and aquaria.
- (E) Higher Education:
- (i) post-secondary education, including the development of educational opportunities, the Council of Post-Secondary Institutions Certification, the First-Generation Trust Fund Initiative, and the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education;
- (ii) 17 GCA Division 3;
- (iii) the University of Guam; and
- (iv) the Guam Community College.
- (F) Women’s Affairs:
- (i) the health, education, family care, and economic independence of women; and
- (ii) the Bureau of Women’s Affairs or its successor.
- (G) Youth:
- (i) 19 GCA Division 2 and the Department of Youth Affairs; and
- (ii) 2 GCA Chapter 7 and the Guam Youth Congress, all student government entities, all student representatives elected and appointed, all youth representatives elected and appointed, and any such matters that these shall entertain and advocate within their respective capacities.
- (H) Senior Citizens:
- (i) the Division of Senior Citizens of the Department of Public Health and Social Services and all associated programs under 10 GCA Chapter 8;
- (ii) the operation of senior citizen centers; and
- (iii) the protection and care of senior citizens and all other activities of the senior citizens of Guam” (Standing Rules of the 37th Guam Legislature).
Committee on Rules #
Committees do not have individual websites. Membership can be found on Committees website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Committee on Rules shall have purview over all matters pertaining to:
- “(A) proposed amendments to the Standing Rules;
- “(B) resolutions and bills relating to the business, budget, design, and activities of I Liheslaturan Guåhan;
- “(C) enrollment and review;
- “(D) order and arrangement;
- “(E) the Session Agenda;
- “(F) the defense or initiation of court action on behalf of I Liheslaturan Guåhan, which shall be authorized by a Rules Resolution; and
- “(G) any and all other matters that fall under the jurisdiction, powers, and authority of the Committee on Rules as set out in Section 11.11 of Rule XI” (Standing Rules of the 37th Guam Legislature).