House Ways and Means Committee #
Website #
Membership; budget; and meeting schedule, handouts, and videos available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“No statewide bill directly appropriating money shall be considered by the House until after such bill has been referred to the Ways and Means Committee, provided, however, a statewide bill which directly or by implication provides for per diem, subsistence or mileage in connection with the subject matter of the bill, but does not otherwise directly appropriate money, shall not be required to be referred to the Ways and Means Committee” (House Rule 4.4).
Budget Subcommittees #
Memberships available in .doc download.
- Constitutional
- Higher Education
- Public Education
- Healthcare
- Economic Development
- Criminal Justice
- Transportation and Regulatory
- Provisio
Legislative Subcommittees #
Memberships available in .doc download.
- Economic Development
- General Government
- Licenses, Fees, and Other Taxes
- Property Tax
- Sales & Use Tax and Income Tax
- Revenue Policy
Senate Finance Committee #
Website #
Membership; budget; and meeting schedule, handouts, and videos available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
The Finance Committee “shall have jurisdiction over legislation, appointments and other matters which fall within the title or titles…1 (Administration, SFAA), 2 (bonding authority, taxation, finances), 3, 4 through 6 (bonding authority, taxation, finances), 8 (employment standards, retirement, deferred compensation), 9, 10, 11, and 12, Constitution (bonding authority, taxation, finances)” (Senate Rule 19A).
Subcommittees #
Memberships available in .doc download.
- Constitutional
- Criminal Justice
- Health & Human Services
- Higher Education
- K-12 Education
- Natural Resources and Economic Development
- Property Taxation
- Retirement Systems
- Sales & Income Taxation
- Transportation & Regulatory