• Legislature

    Type of Legislature Arizona has a part-time, bicameral legislature. House of Representatives: 60 members | 2-year terms Term limit: 8…

  • Committee Oversight Authority

    "Issuance and service of legislative subpoena "A subpoena may be issued by the presiding officer of either house or the…

  • Standing Committees Focused on Oversight

    Senate Director Nominations Committee Committees do not have individual websites. Membership and meeting agendas and minutes can be found on…

  • Non-Standing Committees Focused on Oversight

    Administration Rules Oversight Committee Website Membership available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "To review any proposed or final rule, summary rule, agency…

  • Committees with Jurisdictional Oversight Authority

    House Commerce Committee Committees do not have individual websites. Membership and meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the Committee…

  • Fiscal Committees

    House Appropriations Committee Standing committees do not have individual websites. Membership and meeting agendas and minutes can be found on…

  • Oversight Partners

    Office of the Auditor General Website Mission Statement "We are independent and provide impartial information, impactful recommendations, and stakeholder education…

  • Fiscal Data

    Arizona Financial Transparency Portal Interactive data including revenues and expenditures, organized by city, county, department, etc., available on website Data…

  • Oversight in the News

    Audit of Arizona MVD finds public safety, consumer issues (Arizona Daily Star, 8/26/2023) A recent report reveals that private companies authorized…