Read Levin Center Senior Advisor, Linda Gustitus’, piece in the Detroit News imagining what our founder Senator Levin would think of the 2024 election cycle!

What would Sen. Carl Levin think of this election cycle?
By Linda Gustitus – July 31, 2024
It has been three years since former Michigan Sen. Carl Levin passed, and the country misses his voice. He would have wise words for us about our current political situation and the upcoming election. Having worked with him for more than 24 years, I think I have some sense of what he would say.
First and foremost, he would tell everyone who is eligible to vote. He would say there is no sitting on the sidelines when it comes to voting. It is our fundamental obligation as citizens of this country. While the extremism or indecency of some politicians can turn Americans away from politics, our best response is to overwhelm those forces with our participation.